Fes Enying
Mayo Banyo
Agroforestry by communities and smallholders
Agroforestry for climate resilience
In partnership with Graine de Vie, the Fes Enying Plan Vivo project aims to strengthen food security for people living around Bankim, Mayo-Banyo, a department in the Adamawa region of Cameroon. The communities living near the transition of the Congo Basin rainforests to the Sahel savannah are vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. The project aims to implement climate resilient agroforestry to diversify the livelihood opportunities of participating communities. The project focusses on the establishment of communal gardens, woodlots and home orchards.
During citizens councils, participatory land management maps are created. These ‘plan vivo’ maps become the input for designing the socioenvironmental developments in the area.
All home orchards, communal gardens and woodlands are planted with native or naturalized tree species.
Atmospheric carbon is removed and stored in the soils and biomass of the project areas. Soil fertility and crop yields benefit from more soil organic matter.